Our lung health writing challenge is here. And, this time, the terminology and procedures are slightly more complex than our heart disease challenge. So, think of this challenge as the next level!
Remember, the idea is to complete one micro writing task a day for 30 days. Do as many challenges as you can throughout the month, and feel free to share your results with your health writing friends and me.
Just a little bit of writing every day will add up to big results at the end of the year.
Missed our previous challenges? View them all here.
Plain text version: 30-Day Health Writing Challenge
Theme: Lung Health
DAY 1 Explain what the lungs do.
DAY 2 Define lung cancer.
DAY 3 Explain what happens during a lung function test.
DAY 4 Define asbestosis.
DAY 5 Explain why you might need a sleep test.
DAY 6 Define silicosis.
DAY 7 Explain what happens in a thoracic ultrasound.
DAY 8 Define acute respiratory distress syndrome.
DAY 9 List three common symptoms of sleep disorders.
DAY 10 Define mesothelioma.
DAY 11 Explain the differences between a chest CT, MRI and X-Ray.
DAY 12 Define asthma.
DAY 13 Explain what happens during a lung transplant.
DAY 14 Define COPD.
DAY 15 Explain what happens in a bullectomy.
DAY 16 Define bronchiectasis.
DAY 17 Explain what happens in a pulmonary angiogram.
DAY 18 Define cystic fibrosis.
DAY 19 List five common treatments for COPD.
DAY 20 Define idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
DAY 21 List three common symptoms of lung diseases generally.
DAY 22 Define pulmonary hypertension.
DAY 23 List three rare lung diseases.
DAY 24 Define COVID-19.
DAY 25 List three jobs that increase the risk of silicosis.
DAY 26 Define tuberculosis.
DAY 27 Explain why you might need a pulmonary endarterectomy.
DAY 28 Define pneumonia.
DAY 29 List three self-care strategies for managing COPD.
DAY 30 Define pulmonary oedema.