Our latest health writing challenge is here! One micro writing task a day for 30 days.
The theme is cancer, which is obviously a common topic for health writers; I’ve written all the below and more during my career.
Review the challenge below. And, remember: Do as many challenges as you can (one a day, not all at once – no cheating) and feel free to share your results with your health writing friends and me!
Just a little bit of writing every day will add up to big results at the end of the year.
Missed our previous challenges? View them all here.
Plain text version: 30-Day Health Writing Challenge
Theme: Cancer
DAY 1 Define cancer.
DAY 2 Explain the difference between benign and malignant.
DAY 3 List three risk factors for lung cancer.
DAY 4 Define colon cancer.
DAY 5 Explain how chemotherapy works.
DAY 6 Define melanoma.
DAY 7 Explain how radiation therapy works.
DAY 8 Define leukaemia.
DAY 9 List three preventable risk factors for cancer.
DAY 10 Define lymphoma.
DAY 11 Explain what an oncologist does.
DAY 12 Define breast cancer.
DAY 13 Explain how immunotherapy works.
DAY 14 Define prostate cancer.
DAY 15 Explain how hormone therapy works.
DAY 16 Explain what happens during chemotherapy treatment.
DAY 17 Define biopsy.
DAY 18 List three side effects of chemotherapy.
DAY 19 Explain what cancer staging is.
DAY 20 Define brain cancer.
DAY 21 Explain what metastasis means.
DAY 22 Define ovarian cancer.
DAY 23 Explain what cancer screening is.
DAY 24 Define tomography (PET) scan.
DAY 25 Describe how lung cancer is diagnosed.
DAY 26 Describe how testicular cancer is diagnosed.
DAY 27 Explain why cancer spreads to the lymph nodes.
DAY 28 Describe what palliative care involves.
DAY 29 Explain what an inherited cancer gene is.
DAY 30 List three cancers that can be hereditary.